2003 Google Algorithm Updates



Florida is a Google update which is help Fritz to stop that website that is menu-plate the search engine to give his website first rank. After Florida updated many of the types of websites that work on blackhead SEO and going down and went out of the rank on Google and took a loss in their business

After this update, Google updates its algorithm and creates SEO work hard and hard because Google wants to give Google a rank and place a genuine and valuable website on search engines and provide the best service to Reliable users.


When users use unnecessary keywords in the website and make unwanted backlines to promote the website for indexing. Because this technique gives rank to the unwanted websites and natural and real websites have troubled.

So Google update its first algorithm called Fritz. Which is identified those types of websites and gives a loyal chance on Google.

Source URL: http://sjbusinessmarketing.com/starting-google-algorithm-updates/


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